Systematic testing needs to be conducted to find defects in the website concerning its functionality and performance. Browse all the pages on the site and look for items such as broken links, invalid forms, or improper layouts. Use browser development tools to inspect the HTML, CSS, and Javascript errors. Cross-browser and mobile testing would look at compatibility issues. Test forms, buttons, or the whole site concerning user interaction to ensure everything runs smoothly. Demo websites with bugs for testing Use automated tools to detect any security flaws and performance bottlenecks. It is worth looking into speed and errors. Good documentation of all the bugs discovered would permit fast repairing by the developers while improving the quality of the website.
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How to find out a bug?
First identify the functional and expected behavior of the system. Then find out test cases that could potentially expose errors such as periphery values, wrong inputs, or abnormal user actions. Carry out manual testing over the different functionalities, attending to broken links, error messages, and unexpected behavior. Find bugs in website and earn money Performance, security, and compatibility issues can also be discovered by automated testing tools. Ensure the steps leading to reproduce the bug in the same conditions and then register the issue with detail. Maintain testing processes to ensure new scenarios are included in the purview: a comprehensive and effective approach to identifying bugs in any software or website.

How to check issues in a website?
First, open the website and check if there are any issues with regards to having broken links, pages that take too long to load, or design errors. Use the browser developer tool (F12) to check the elements and find out about HTML, CSS, or JavaScript errors. Test forms, buttons, and other, some interactive elements would also outwardly be functioning accordingly. Website with bugs Furthermore, when cross browsers and mobile testing with regard to layouts, these are some of the checks that have to be performed. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to measure performance and find optimization areas. Check for security flaws like out-of-date plugins and weak authentication. Document all these findings, so that the development team can go ahead and address these issues and have a smooth, error-free user experience.
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How to find a bug in HTML code?
First of all, see the code for the syntactical errors such as missing tags, unclosed elements, or an incorrect attribute assignment. Use browser development tools (F12) to understand the structure of a webpage, and look for problems such as broken layouts or elements that do not render correctly. Review DOCYTYPE declarations for they are inappropriate or missing and create compatibility problems. Validate HTML using online tools like W3C Validator for the errors and warning messages that will pop up. How to find bugs in manual testing Look for nesting errors, duplicate IDs, or accessibility-related issues. Testing across different browsers can also be one excellent way of discovering HTML bug compared to making inspections for inconsistencies.Verify missing or incorrect DOCYTYPE declarations which could lead to compatibility issues. Validate HTML using online tools like W3C Validator for the types of error and warning messages it is going to throw. Look for nesting errors, duplication of IDs, or some issues regarding accessibility. Subjecting the site to cross-browser testing is yet another great way to find the HTML bugs in addition to the inconsistencies.